∃ Convex Human A blog on computational and abstract ideas

Welcome to Convex Human!

Convex Human is a blog that discusses different ideas related to Computer Science, Mathematics, System Design, and Architecture.

Who is Convex Human?

My name is Mohammad Alamarneh, and to be honest, I am still trying to figure out who Convex Human really is. I like computers, science, technology, and whatever thought-provoking concept I stumble upon. I am especially excited about functional programming (and not just because “it’s different” or “cool”, but because I firmly believe it is a better way of programming).

Lately, I’ve been working with Java Spring Boot cloud-native applications. Before that, and for a long time, I worked with Ruby and Clojure professionally (and I miss it 😢). I have been with companies of all sizes, from startups (e.g. Mixed Dimensions, Quicko) to middle-sized companies (e.g. Jawaker, Edraak) to large businesses (e.g. Expedia, Angi).

Things I built include game engine backend logic in Clojure (for multiple board and card games like Monopoly Deal, Chess, and others), a distributed player matchmaking service in Clojure using a Redis queueing system, and recently, a large data migration pipeline that transferred 100M+ records from a Snowflake data lake into a Postgres database using S3, SQS, Kafka and Spring Boot. I also have experience leading and teaching groups of young kids and adults how to program through project-based courses that I designed.

If you’re interested in knowing more, you can find my resume here.